Labels:daily | door | earth | grass | newspaper | plant | railing | road | sidewalk | silver screen | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Apple External Hard Disks : ," ... Overview Features Benefits Providing 20. 40. 80. or 160 20 10.80.0. 1iyl ThER! byteso SlocAge Provides for fal couvenient r inegabvtes suited of to f storage meet the capacity. NOD are large suexdding data files swapping AppleShare* iund creation s foppy tile mult:ple high-end applications Krvers anl A/UX* sOuionS Apple' External Hard Disks ideally ing needs of business. education systerrs and who professional. reliable demind pue fast, access to I technical convenient, their appli- users 160S East t data aceess milliseconds: -18 nilliseconds average average seek Acaxsses disk drives. cata signilicantly [uster than cations anc cata files. 40 milliseconkds average sck Besides providing vastly more 205 1 milliscconds average seek disk. Apple Disks access In ...